I feel like I'm walking in a cloud.

The first time I experienced true clarity was when I broke up with this real pain of a boyfriend. It was the most inspiring decision I have ever made in my life. Suddenly the world made sense again. It was like waking up from a deep sleep and stepping into a Technicolor reality. I can only look back at that moment in life with envy and wonder. Envy because I need that clarity and drive to move forward. Wonder because I have no idea what I have to do to achieve that mental state. Wonder because I don't know what I did to fall back into this meandering.

At this point in my life, my vision is obscured by a sea of possibility. Yet again, I have absolutely no idea which way to go. I rarely act on impulse... Except for that time I bought that RM70 cap that I've not once worn out in public... And that time I decided to eat another slice of that cake.

I read this book about one's initial reactions towards situations and how most of the time, the initial reaction is the right reaction. Maybe that's what I need to practice more often. Evidently my stance to wait and see how things turn out has not been particularly beneficial to me. I remember writing in a previous post something that goes, "When in doubt, just shut up and wait", or something to that effect. I think it's time I tried something new. Screw Starbucks, I'm going to Holly's tomorrow.
1 Response
  1. RVL Says:

    i know several more examples of u acting on impulse.. =) but thats another story for another time..

    glad life is getting better now, and btw holly's my sanctuary please..