Nothing goes better with a piping hot chocolate brownie than vanilla ice cream, nothing gets out the aftertaste of a bad date better than beer (and lots of it), and nothing washes away the long hours of the day better than a hot shower.

Switch on the heater, run the water for a minute. That first step under the shower head would feel like a Coca Cola ad: "Ahhh." The water's gentle caress wipes away those motorcyclists who, after years of self-loathing, have apparently forgotten that their bikes come equipped with brakes. The constant pounding sprays on the shoulders massages away the one hour of persistent trying to get through a government department helpline that finally wasn't of much help anyway. The stream cascading through portions of hair and scalp tickles away the wet shoes from today's erratic downpour, washes away the half hour of waiting in line just to save RM3, and swiftly blocks out the waiter who called me aunty.

Ahhh. Cucumber fresh.