i know it's been a long time...

yesterday was my last paper of the semester. it felt so great...
...to be able to wake up early in the morning but still have no little voice reminding you of unfinished work...to be able to sleep early as there are no longer needs to procrastinate...to be able to blog not because you need something to take your mind off assignments but just for the heck of it...to be able to eat properly as there is no longer anymore stress to catalyse bingeing...sigh...feels kinda weird....

i started working for my parents in the beginning of this week. my mom is such a menace! she hadn't touched any of her paperwork since i stopped working last year. my bro did a bit and then became a lazy shit...the amount of paperwork is insane...but i suppose it's better than that horrible data entry nonsense.

anyway, i've been thinking...is it possible that what we look for in a romantic partner is a person that enhances our weaker traits?
an outgoing person could be great with someone s/he could stay home with.
an independent person could find comfort in someone s/he could submit to.
a career driven person could find pride in someone who doesn't care for money or status.
a materialistic person could find gratification in a person who s/he is comfortable with just being simple.

maybe that's what they mean when they say "you complete me". you're a whole person because that special someone helped you to discover things that you thought were never there. maybe the whole notion that 'opposites attract' is somewhat true?

hehe...i understand it, i've experienced it, but i don't believe it. it's nice for a change but definitely not long term. how long do you think you can stand being with someone who constantly wants to stay home while you are dying to go out? eventually your prevalent nature will, well, prevail...right?

just so you know, i'm blogging for the heck of it...

word of the day : i'm so broke that i can't even pay attention
what a long week it's been...

i can't wait for my semester to end, which will be at the end of this week, but dude...the last week's been insanely long...i'm sleep deprived...i need a massage...

aih...get those horrible assignments over with and i'm DONE!
exams ought to be easy...or at least easier than cramming for deadlines

i've got a twitch for watch shopping. it's a weird fetish i have. i simply love watches!! i love my own watches and i love looking at other people's lovely watches. i've come up with the Ai Leen Watch Theory that says you can tell a person's personality just by looking at their watches.

reasons to substantiate this theory:

1. a watch is expensive enough for a person to think twice before buying. therefore, a lot of thought goes into a watch purchase, thus reflecting individual taste and the way they think.

2. everyone has at least one watch be it their own, borrowed, or given.

3. people wear their watches almost everyday so even if you meet someone for the 1st time, you can already somewhat judge

how it works?
1. look at how it fits.
- too loose = thrifty. they probably bought it quite sometime ago expecting to grow into it. likes to prepare for the future. may have a substantial bank account balance.

2. look at the face color
- silvers / blacks / whites / navy blues = practical. most likely to be an everyday watch

3. look at the strap
- rubber straps = sporty / allergic to metal. it won't smell even after heavy sweating nor will it cause irritation from tarnishing
- metal straps = hmm...i actually don't know. it's just nice to look at i guess, so it indicates that the individual has good taste
- cloth straps = youth. may be younger than you were lead to believe

well, there's more to it really...but then you'll have to be me to understand (though of course, i don't go around judging people by their watches. the theory just came to me while i was on the way to college and thought it pretty amusing. i don't actually use it.)...so like i said, i've got a watch fetish...

i've got an itch for bag shopping. i just realised that bigger bags are always better...i can hardly stuff anything into my small ones anymore...it's a sign of aging. ever see moms using anything smaller than a brick? stuffing an extra kohl pencil into my bag is an entire feat in itself...it's so long...!

i've got a rash for shoe shopping. i can't believe i keep wearing the same black pair. i wanted to keep it for nicer outings than classes but i just can't seem to find anything to match college clothes...black goes with everything right...

sigh...however, looks like i'll be scratching for a month since i've got no money to buy 'rash cream'..."curses on thy sexy Oakley frames!!"