I am so efficient.

After weeks and weeks of living like a nocturnal, I finally forced myself to a good night's sleep. And it was amazing. Early nights are the new caffeine! I'm totally sold! I woke up completely refreshed, lasted the entire day without needing a pick-me-up, I accomplished three days worth of stuff before 7pm... It was THE most amazing high. Today's my second attempt at this whole 'sleeping early' thing... But because I did all my work yesterday, I've got nothing to do but wait... And consume crazy doses of YouTube.

The journey of self-discovery begins with a couple's company, and a couple of beers.

It was our night out. He picked me up and we headed to our then favourite chillout place, Cloth & Clef (only because they had RM10 beers and played Drum n Bass). Good music and beers somehow bring out unwarranted amounts of honesty and strange conversation. So, amongst talk of love, work, haircuts, and hot bartenders, we talked about design. It started with us commenting on Cloth & Clef's very white, very artsy menu and it moved from there to tattoo designs. I'd always had a rough idea of what I'd want my tattoo to look like and where I'd place it. He asked me to put my idea down on paper. "Draw?" I asked with eyes so horrified and cheeks so flushed. Oklar. I'm always up for a challenge.

He dug through his wallet for a blank piece of paper while I dug through my bag for a pen. On an old crumpled receipt, I translated my grand ideas into physical matter. I always knew I wasn't great at drawing but when I saw what I produced that day, I was ashamed that people would then know too.

After an extended period of manic laughter, he managed to compose himself and began to transcribe my drawing into art.
Ai Leen's rendition of a sakura with "swirly things".

His attempt to save a bad drawing of a sakura with "swirly things".

To add insult to injury, I took private art lessons for a whole year when I was 13. Some people just aren't born with it.
I was rushing.

The clock's long hand showed 10 minutes late and my phone displayed unanswered calls because I didn't yet have a good enough excuse for the extra time I needed. As I took a swift glance at the clock again, my foot took one step into the bathroom. My toes felt the cold, wet tiles of the bathroom floor. Every contour and detail of the tiles a familiar feel from 14 years of getting acquainted. It was a familiar cool on the familiar cracks, but the misstep had been a large one; a half step too large.

Shit. My foot slid across the silky smooth tiles. My left hand reached out for the doorknob, missed, but caught hold of a teddy bear hanging from the doorknob. My right palm slammed against the doorpost in an attempt to slow down whatever that was happening. Momentum happened. My body moved in the direction of my sliding foot while my other foot curled up under me leaving a bare knee to face its fate. The sound of a dull thud reverberates upward my body.

Sitting on my ass with a teddy bear in hand, a searing pain throbs from my knee. "Ahhhow." A few moments pass before I glare menacingly at the mouth edge of the porcelain toilet bowl. You had better be broken for causing me so much pain. It wasn't.

My knee is now too weak to support my weight and bears a disfiguring swollen bruise, but needless to say, it was a pretty good excuse for my lateness.

Word of the day: I don't know you, but I want you all the more for that.
"Hi, I'm Ai Leen, and I'm a procrastinator."

The curse of the procrastinator is the inability to do things now. I put-off doing anything that I can get away with to the very last minute. From washing a fork to buying hair products, I'll only get it done at the very last possible moment. Can't be a good thing though. It's the small things that are telltale signs of what and how a person's character is. I put-off washing a fork till four hours later; I put-off writing an article till four days later. I make the desperate run to the nearby pharmacy in frizzy hair; my car's engine oil gets changed in the workshop after two weeks of warning flashes on the dashboard, and hundreds of KM in. Two words: Not fun. But I do it anyway.

Too much time and so much excess energy invested in works that really didn't require. It's not even about being lazy because lazy people end up either not doing what they're supposed to, or delivering half-arsed results. When I work on something, I put my heart and soul into it. It just takes awhile (too long) to get my heart and soul to cooperate. So now, on my list of a million mottoes, is this: Blady freakin' sit down and do it now.

In light of the new motto, I've been wanting to blog for the longest time but was either uninspired or just too lazy to string my thoughts into sentences that at least held some semblance of sanity. So this is me blogging, all new and improved, for now. I'm even taking the effort to bring out my camera lately. So this is me, all documented and bright-shiny new.

The past week was fun-filled with nights out, workouts, articles out, losing out, and passing out.
An unexpected meet-up on Deepavali even though none of us celebrates the occasion.

Not even him, but who's to say we can't ride on the festivities of it all anyway.

We were finalists for the Cakap-Cakap programme. We didn't win, but we got ourselves published. We are officially funny. What's not funny is the fact that I left my copy of the booklet behind.

I got to be a kinky bus conductor on Halloween night at Princess Salty Smalls' birthday thing. But I lost the plot (and my conductor's cap to a guy without a costume) and started mucking around with other people's props.

Then again, so did he.

And he.

An unlikely group of us celebrated "the small one's" birthday again with a bout of karaoke, drinks, and drunken games.

Philosophy of the day: Often times life hands you a misfit of a jigsaw puzzle piece. You can either trim the edges to make the piece fit into your puzzle, or you can build a whole new puzzle to fit the piece. Sometimes it's easier to build the new puzzle.