"Happy New Year!" As the countdown reached one, the crowd erupted in elated shouts and cheers. Party noisemakers added to the voluminous celebratory din. Multicoloured streamers and balloons fell atop sweaty heads. All around were people hugging and laughing. The prospects of a New Year and all its attainable possibility was definitely an occasion to be shared with those close to the heart.

Amidst the warmth of a tropical night and the momentary exuberance of the youthful, she sat glued to her seat masking her shifty discomfort with polite and poise. It absolutely did not help that she still felt like it was August, prices everywhere were overinflated, and they were having a fight. No, she was sure that there had to be some sane reason for celebrating yet another new year of evanescent potential.

Kicking off the New Year a pessimist was surely something she'd never done before.

Word of the day: To love without condition does not mean to love without concern.
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