screw that....
how indescribably annoying. i so totally thought that i would at least get into Volvo's The Hunt finals but...sigh...i went through so much trouble! even getting the treasure map from the Volvo dealership was no easy task. the salesmen all just wanted to sell cars! i had to sit through 45 minutes worth of sales pitch before they were willing to hand me the map...and now i want an S40 T5...
aih...anyway, this is my long overdue update so...
my new semester started a few weeks back. everything's going ok for now...two of my language subjects are a great pain! it's so dry...but on a good note, remember my much earlier posts from when i just started up this blog, i was talking bout my writing lecturer who inspired me to produce quality work right? he stopped teaching coz he got promoted to head of creative arts...or something like that. we were all really disappointed at that time...he made a great teacher. imagine my utter surprise when he walked into my Public Speaking class. *grin* little miracles and little joys.
Photo Update!!
i starred in a music video!! yea...i'll have a set of autographed photos ready for mass distribution soon.
i went to the Good Charlotte concert and the clearest photo i got was this shaky one of me with a poster taken by someone who isn't me. screw that Photography class i took for a whole semester!
we went to Redang during the hols. this is Berjaya Resort's little strip of gorgeous beach that somehow we managed to stay on for 5 hours straight.
.:Random thought:.
ever feel like there's just too few days in a week? i do...never would i have thought that i could ever feel that way but i guess life just loves rubbing things in your face. there's just so many things to do and there's so little time. you keep telling yourself that "i'll definitely have the time to do it next week" but you never get around to doing it. then comes the day when you finally realise that it's been 3 weeks and you still haven't worked off that extra piece of cake you had promised yourself that you would, and now you're a fat lump with uncontrollable bingeing urges. and by you, i mean me. aiyah...screw looking hot for Langkawi.
how indescribably annoying. i so totally thought that i would at least get into Volvo's The Hunt finals but...sigh...i went through so much trouble! even getting the treasure map from the Volvo dealership was no easy task. the salesmen all just wanted to sell cars! i had to sit through 45 minutes worth of sales pitch before they were willing to hand me the map...and now i want an S40 T5...
aih...anyway, this is my long overdue update so...
my new semester started a few weeks back. everything's going ok for now...two of my language subjects are a great pain! it's so dry...but on a good note, remember my much earlier posts from when i just started up this blog, i was talking bout my writing lecturer who inspired me to produce quality work right? he stopped teaching coz he got promoted to head of creative arts...or something like that. we were all really disappointed at that time...he made a great teacher. imagine my utter surprise when he walked into my Public Speaking class. *grin* little miracles and little joys.
Photo Update!!
.:Random thought:.
ever feel like there's just too few days in a week? i do...never would i have thought that i could ever feel that way but i guess life just loves rubbing things in your face. there's just so many things to do and there's so little time. you keep telling yourself that "i'll definitely have the time to do it next week" but you never get around to doing it. then comes the day when you finally realise that it's been 3 weeks and you still haven't worked off that extra piece of cake you had promised yourself that you would, and now you're a fat lump with uncontrollable bingeing urges. and by you, i mean me. aiyah...screw looking hot for Langkawi.
hey finally there's an update of the latest u haha...who's tat at the back of u? is that wai king? wat u guys doing in the bathroom huh?wakakaka....
hehehe! ya it's wai king. we were taking photos la. u know, he's a terrible photographer!!! i have no idea how all the photos he took turned out blur as heck!! that fella serious cannot help la...
ahhhh your back! what a sunburn!! yea i say screw looking hot for langkawi.. totallyyyyy cannot make it dot com lol. so many things and so little time that's why we are supposed to go out!
evermagic: much for goin out la really...haha! hope genting will work out tho
So sorry that I cheated u guys to Redang. I din mean it!! T.T