i feel empty...

maybe it's because i'm pampered...i dunno...i take my dinners pretty seriously. i like to have good dinners...i really don't care bout breakfast or lunch but dinners really REALLY matter to me...i had economy rice for dinner today...and yesterday...once is bad enough what more twice in a row! i feel so unsatisfied...so empty...*grumble grumble*
2 Responses
  1. Gareth Says:

    haih at least you have economy rice to eat. here don't even have!! *cry* =(

  2. Aileen Lim Says:

    i really don't mind economy rice. in fact, i kinda like it...but not for dinner though...and not at places that don't have curry...or places that offer chicken dishes that consist of chicken bits the size of half a thumb...

    annoying annoying things...*grumble grumble*

    how's the food there? well, all the more reason for u to come home right... =)