shopaholic with expensive tastes

car she likes

the car we oggle at

the korean drama we share a love for

the guy that makes her voice squeaky and hands more expressive than usual

drinks we always have

drinks we always love...check out their absolut 2nd skin singing plastic choir. heehee!

the cake we shall enjoy over a glass of virgin internet. when u come back, we'll have a feast of sinful sinful fattening desserts and lots & lots of non-virgin cocktails.

A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend who's not here to share her birthday with me. hehe! we'll HAVE to celebrate your 21st so u better come back in a yr...don't get too comfortable there ar! hugs!

remember a time when everything was so worries, no heartache, no expectations...moments spent with great friends lift u above your problems. know that u don't just have one good friend behind u, u have 3 of us. u will always be in our hearts, our thoughts, and our prayers .

with love on your 20th,
2 Responses
  1. evermagic~* Says:

    OMG! I love the tweed jacket. Hmm.. will go hunt for one. Damn I love Chanel. Great cars *woot* Full House is still a classic. Three bears. Omg I need to start singing that song again. Influence everyone. I think I managed to get my friends to camwhore and be a crazy shopper as me. Seth still makes me flutter. Season 3 is so good. I still watch it! Chivas & Vodka rules !!! Yay :) Save that choc cake when I get back yea? Just finished eating a piece of rich choc cake from Starbucks. Yum yum. Btw, I look horrible in the pic. I look blurr. Thank God I grow prettier as I grow older. Hahaha. Thank you for ur support. I promise you I will take care. I love you my dear Leen. Please come online soon to chat with me. Missing those times :)

  2. Ian Says:

    WOW! u actually saw that car in real life? The supra? boy.. its really cool man..I really wanna get a supra one day..haha.I will start with wira first..ahaks..
    SO when is your college at sedaya starting? Can go hang out huh?